Microsoft mulls 'Instant On' for Windows  

Posted by BJ

If you feel that Windows starts too slowly most days, Microsoft is considering an option that could help.

The company is surveying select users on whether an "instant on" feature, which would rush a usable desktop to your screen in just seconds, is something they'd like included with Windows.

"The concept is called 'Instant On.' Instant On takes your computer from being completely powered down or turned off to being usable for a few specific activities in a very short amount of time," according to excerpts from the survey posted by Engadget.

"The Instant On experience is different from "Full Windows" because it limits what activities you can do and what applications you can have access to," the survey states.

Faster boot times are clearly a priority for Microsoft and could be included in Windows 7, the next planned release of the operating system.

"For Windows 7, a top goal is to significantly increase the number of systems that experience very good boot times. In the lab, a very good system is one that boots in under 15 seconds," engineer Michael Fortin said in an August blog post

Microsoft has already been working more closely with PC makers both on Windows 7 and Windows Vista to try to improve, among other things, system boot time. The first fruits of that effort are expected to emerge on certain new PCs for the holidays.